What is the difference between a closure wig and a frontal wig? & pros – Shadae Renee Beauty

What is the difference between a closure wig and a frontal wig? & pros and cons.

Closure Wig

In terms of physical pieces the closure wig is smaller. Usually it is just measured 4inchX4inch or 5inchX5 inch worth of fabric with fabric only covering the top portion of your head. 

On wigs with closures the sides of the cap is tracks. 

Pro's to wearing closure wigs with tracks on the side are:

1. Extra fullness

2. Lower maintenance (because theres no lace or ear flaps like on frontal wig)

3. Beginner friendly (because no baby hair, glue, or gel needed)

4. Can easily switch the part by shifting the wig 

Con's to wearing a closure wig

1. The seamless edge look is not as flattering becuase you have tracks on the side

2. Difficult to wear in up styling

Photo wearing a closure wig. Lace is 5x5 and there are tracks on the side. 

Frontal Wig

In terms of physical pieces the frontal wig is larger. Usually it is measured 13inchX4 or 13inchX6inch which covers your entire forehead.

Pro's to wearing frontal wigs:

1. More versatile because of seamless hairline (the lace being ear to ear it is more versatile)

2. Deeper parting space on the left or right

3. Baby hair can be added to mimic hair line

4. If you experiences sideburn hair loss you can achieve that look with a frontal

Con's to wearing a frontal wig

1. Higher maintenance because of the lace spread across your hairline. (sometimes people are self conscious of it)

2. The frontal hairline tends to shed faster because it is manipulated by plucking and bleaching knots for natural look

3. More expensive 

4. Doesn't always lay flat on ears which can lead to an extra step in styling like gel on edges and tying down for salon look 

Photo wearing a frontal wig. Do you notice how the hairline is ear to ear and exposed? That's the frontal "effect."

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